
Showing posts from September, 2023

Chat GPT

Chat GPT, Helpful or Hurtful        AI is becoming smarter and smarter . Half a century ago the concept of self-driving cars was a far-off dream, but they are already being completed across the globe. Now AI has also begun to replace writing. For a long time being able to write about a topic was something a robot could never do. Now AI can mimic people so well that it almost resembles creativity. A udible , which is a company owned by amazon that sells E-Books, has been flooded with AI made books that can be made within seconds using software. The most popular of these software as you probably know is Chat GPT. It has quickly spread to every aspect of writing and is putting a lot of things into question. Pretty much every  school immediately banned the site and everything else of it's type. This raises the question of whether Chat GPT should be allowed to continue.     Wh at are the Concerns?   As with most new AI there are a lot of problems. The main glaring problem is tha

Google's Monopoly

Google’s Monopoly        In today’s world, the internet gives the average person an incredible amount of information at their fingertips. According to Fabio Duarte, in 2022 there were 97 zettabytes of data on the internet. For scale one zettabyte is 1,099,511,627,776 gigabytes. Obviously with all that data you would need a tool to find the data that you actually want . There are many different search engines that have existed since the creation of the internet , but nowadays there is one that obviously dominates. Th e indisputable most-used search engine is G oogle Chrome. However, this also brings up the question, is Google's dominance a good thing?     History      Starting at the beginning, in 1995 Larry Page and Sergery Brin met and began work on Google. A little later Andy Bechtolscheim donated $100,000 to “Google Inc.” which was the big breakthrough they needed . Interestingly enough Larry and Sergery came pretty close to selling multiple times in the 1990 s. I